Monday, April 8, 2013

EDUC 7102 Module 3

Storyboard for Video Introduction
Video / Images
VoiceThread (as a title on a slide)
Ø  Have you ever wondered how your students were able to finish a test so quickly? (caption)
Ø  Did they really know the answer or simply took a lucky guess? (caption)
Original video clip of students quickly answering questions to a test (true or false and multiple choice). Possibly include a timer.

Ø  If students can’t remember, did they really learn?
Ø  Is writing a challenge that hinders performance?
Original video clip of students answering open ended test questions in writing. Students are looking around the room or tapping on their desk. Test page has plenty of blank lines with few words or no answer.
Ø  How about the times when you have put students in cooperative groups expecting cooperation from everyone?
Ø  How do we know each student is successfully meeting the learning goals?
Video or clip art of students working in cooperative groups.
VoiceThread addresses many concerns about assessing learners.

Video or image of a person recording their voice while looking at a notebook page or work sample.

Narration about George Siemens as the key note speaker
Ø  Who he is
Ø  His works (book, articles, Connectivism Theory)
Ø  His thoughts about collaborative learning from Laureate video Assessment of Collaborative Learning
Ø  Quote from Laureate video about assessment
Image of George Siemens and his book

Research about VoiceThread taken from Using VoiceThread to Promote Learning Engagement and Success for All Students
Stein Brunvand and Sara Byrd
Teaching Exceptional Children Vol. 43 No.4 pp.28-37. 2011

“VoiceThread…is specifically designed to promote the collaborative development of knowledge by providing students the opportunity to share their voice, quite literally, and express opinions regardless of their ability” (Brunvand & Byrd 2011).
Let’s hear from Dr. George Siemens about the authentic ways to assess our learners in our technologically advancing world of education.
Short video clip of students working independently from home and/or computer lab
Ø  completing a reading response for a group reading then uploading their assignment to VoiceThread
Ø  editing a writing piece that has been uploaded to VoiceThread
 Welcome Dr. George Siemens
Image of George Siemens


  1. Hello Ms. Anglin,

    Your storyboard is detailed and very easy to follow especially the narration.

    Good luck with your video project.

  2. Thanks Roger. Hopefully I will be able to follow the plan when I put it all together.


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